Lately we’ve been feeling savage about our FAM being lit AF, and now we're saying keep it to the new and trash to the old.… Got it?

No idea what that means?... Welcome to the new style of urban dictionary, which seems to evolve quicker than you can say 'Bye Felicia' 

It began as a slow burn, but somewhere around the 90’s our fast consumerism switched to include focus around english language. Now in our modern world, trends change daily and life is constantly forcing us to download, upload, mind dump, trash, reload, refresh and upgrade our social awareness too, which includes our favoured street slang.  

Keep it ? 

Sure why not! It's the new evolution of language we can't escape... a social exploration and revolution of sorts! New catch phrases give us the insight to an interconnected web that draws us not only to our friends and peers, but to the pop or sub culture  it was derived from. Apart from being piss funny and relatable it can also get us exploring and engaging with social realms we may not have even been aware of.

So, because we love social travelling here at Dfly HQ, we get all the lols from introducing new phrases to each other and as soon as someone masters the use of LIT AF, we’ve moved onto something new. It’s rapid, vapid and becoming current AF with Oxford dictionary including some of the slangs we know and love. FOMO as a scrabble move?... Totally legit now.

Here’s some recent additions to our office squad's repertoire with an explanation of appropriate use so we can hang out....

You’re welcome peasants.

CH xx


Refers to something that is pretty f**king amazing.
- Me: “Did you see Drake perform?  Friend: “Yeah, that set was LIT AF.” -



A person of insignificance, useless, or of little value or consequence. 

- Used when a random bitch leaves the room and no one is sad to see them go. Used in place of a real name which instead becomes 'Felicia'. - 



Indicates something or someone is terrible, similar to garbage. (“Today smells like warm garbage.”) Basically, anything that’s worthy of being thrown out.
- “My flight just got delayed again. (insert name of airline) is TRASH.” -



  To reject a person, place or thing.
- Me: “One of his interests is Taylor Swift. Should I swipe right?Friend: “CANCEL.”-



To metaphorically rake someone through the coals or rather, burn them.
- Me: “My roommate used up the last roll of toilet paper and hasn’t replaced it in three days.” Friend: “DRAG her to the ground.” -



FAM is singular and short for family. Your squad is your group of friends, but your “FAM” is directed towards one individual.
-Text from friend: “When are you free?” Me: “idk FAM... but I’m missing my squad” - 

Being aware; specifically in reference to current events and cultural issues.
Person: “I don’t think women are better than men, so therefore I wouldn’t consider myself a feminist.”
  - Me: “You need to read some Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie or listen to some Beyoncé. Stay WOKE, dude.” -

To approve of something or someone.
Me: “What do you think of my new Twitter avi?” Friend: “It's Cute AF, Keep it.” - 








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